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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: Participating in Gods Purpose for the Nations - COMMITMENT TO A DEVOTIONAL LIFE
19th February, 2025. 02:32
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Mark 1:35... In the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and there He prayed.... We miss out a lot when we don’t start the day with our priorities right. Time with God. This should be our first assignment in the day. The principle of sowing and reaping is greatly exemplified. We all need wisdom, guidance, counsel and direction for the things we encounter daily and it is daily we need to sow our time, attention and affection towards God as we worship, study the Word, pray and meditate. Most of the time we encounter fleshly weakness which is the effect of lack of waiting on the Lord.

A conscious, vital and sensitive waiting on the Lord is an absolute necessity on a daily basis. Sowing and reaping, seedtime and harvest shall never cease. The consciousness we need to develop in our minds, to replace what the world has deposited in us through the flesh, can be developed as we do the first things first. “Hast thou not known? Host thou not heard that the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of His understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall mount up like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”.(Is. 40:28-31)

Wait means to look for, expect, hope, waiting hopefully. This means that you do not worship, study, pray and meditate just to carry out your Christian duty. You do these things to look for, expect, hope for more of God in your life. It takes hunger to do so. Spiritual hunger is cultivated. Your devotional times must become your vital link with God, His Word and His grace. Don’t joke with it.

The fullness of life is available in the presence of God. Remember you are a PARTAKER of his divine nature (II Pet. 1:3-4). To PARTAKE means “to take portions of”. Whenever we think of our giving to God, it has become normal to give God little things. We do this to our own unfulfillment in life. When we think of our usual offerings we give God little, is it a wonder we do not really get satisfied? Now we are discussing giving our time in prayer and study and once again we think how little a time we have to spare. It’s time to be bountiful toward God. He that soweth sparingly reaps sparingly. God will give Himself to anyone who gives himself to Him. It is time to make meaningful progress with God. If God is God let us serve Him as God fully. He deserves all our affection and attention. Why don’t you tithe your 24 hours and give 2.4 hours of your sleep and leisure time to God to wait on Him and see what remarkable progress God will bring into your life, family, and future?

Jesus is Lord!

Rev. Kola Ewuosho

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Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 29th July, 2008. 18:53
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