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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: Participating in Gods Purpose for the Nations - UNDERSTANDING TIMES AND SEASONS IN YOUR LIFE (PART 2)
19th February, 2025. 01:29
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When we connect with God through His Word and reach out in faith to lay hold on His Word we can see the change of seasons within the context of His will. When we are in the season of preparation and we want to jump into the manifestation season then we may miss out on the purpose of the preparation season and never be fully prepared. David killed Goliath to put an end to a season of defeat for God’s people but he was still in a season of hiding, in his personal life, where the process of him becoming king was concerned. He was not quite ready for that phase in God’s timetable. So to hiding he went when Saul was after him. David’s Adullam cave experience was within his ‘hiding season’. He helped many who were distressed and discouraged. I see a pattern that whenever a new church starts in an area, it attracts the needy people first. The pastor may want stardom but his faithfulness over the few distressed ones is what prepares him for the next season of the process in God. Many get stuck here with discouragement as they compare themselves with others who may have gone past that equivalent season in their lives. The reason for every season needs to be maximised. The ability to recognise indications for the future and not jump as if the sign has been given to move into a new season is one of the graces needed in these last days. The phases of birthing a child show seasons. We have intimacy, conception, gestation, labour and birth. Each phase represents a season and there are events that describe each season. Let us recognise the season we are in as we walk with God and also recognise the season the Body of Christ is in around the world. The interplay between the two is where God’s wisdom helps us in decision making.

Our response to God in the seasons of our lives always opens up new seasons to us. When Phillip left the revival meetings in Samaria to go to the road leading to the desert, he went from being a city mover to potentially being a nation changer. History has it that the eunuch he led to the Lord was responsible for affecting Ethiopia with the Gospel. Phillip’s obedience opened up new vistas for kingdom growth. When Apostle James said we should count it all joy when we fall into diverse trials, we are learning how to turn seasons of trial into joyful ones; hence one season is brought to a quick end as the next season gets activated. When Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises in the prison, God sent an earthquake to bring deliverance for them. Acting on the Word of God is known to bring victorious seasons into our lives. They knew how to pray and sing to bring the power of God into their situation. Obedience to heaven’s instructions is the key to flowing with God’s times and seasons. The life that stays connected to heaven to hear the next instruction is the life that will not miss out on God’s will in His times and seasons. When competition, comparisons and copying everyone else goes on, specific instructions are lost and specific purposes never get achieved. The will of God unfolds in times and seasons. God’s ultimate purpose is that we be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. He will build character, faith, selfless service and total dependence on God into our souls through all that we experience in His will. Even in our disappointments, He can still work out something good if we let Him. Our FOCUS must be on Him in His glory, our MOTIVE must be His love and our hearts should be totally yielded to the lessons he wants us to learn (not learning the wrong lessons). Our promptness in obedience is also a sterling quality if we are going to understand times and seasons. We cannot harbour sins, offences, bitterness and any such vice if we hope to ‘navigate’ accurately during the times and seasons that come upon us in our pursuit of God’s will. Biblical characters all went through their various times and seasons and the effect of their seasons can be seen in the outcomes they had in their lives. God prepares us for what He has prepared for us. His preparation will take you through various seasons in your life. The lessons you learn and the tests you pass will determine your readiness for the next phase of His will for your life. Failed tests lead to repetition of phase and delayed progress. As we deepen our intimacy with God we will see more clearly the intentions of His heart for us. Whatever we go through, His intention is to do away with anything in us that is not in harmony with His nature. When we recognise in ourselves any such thing, we cooperate with Him by our repentance to deal with such traits in us. Let us learn to cooperate with God in all we go through in life.

The Lord Bless and keep you!
God's Servant

Rev. Kola Ewuosho

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Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 23rd September, 2008. 12:34
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