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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: The Old Church Hall • Station Parade • Virginia Water • Surrey GU25 4AB, UK • Tel: +44 (0) 1344 844172 | |||
Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 08th January, 2009. 04:11 Dearly Beloved of God, We welcome you to yet another year in your destiny-walk. We thank God for the opportunity to share with you through our regular cyber messages. Thank you for your responses and shared prayer points. We trust that you are being edified and up lifted through our messages and that you are taking full advantage of our online resources. We at the Fountain of wisdom ministries do believe that He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it in you. You are accepted in the Beloved in Christ. We are all new creatures in Christ and old things are passed away. We do present our faculties unto God to be a living sacrifice wholly and acceptable unto God. Holiness unto the Lord should be our goal in this year As this year comes in, we believe 2009 poises to be a year of supernatural favour and increase for God’s people. God’s program for His people is different from His program for the world. The widow of Zarepath was granted supernatural provision, in the time of drought because of her relationship along with Elijah the prophet. (See 1 Kings 17). With our friends and partners, we believe that we shall have supernatural supply. The secret is to be plugged into God’s end time program for this earth and His Body in Christ. Elijah was a prophet who was plugged into God’s program for his day. At the Fountain of Wisdom ministries, we labour to stay plugged into God’s program for these days. In the last days, wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times. (Isaiah 33:6). God’s wisdom is going to play a major role in these days. How do we interpret our global or personal situation? We do need wisdom from God, and this ministry is poised to give this to the Body of Christ. I will like every one of our readers to help us get more readers to subscribe to our cyber messages. Get us about five to ten new subscribes to register their emails at our website www.fowm.org. We will give every one who does this a free gift. A Cd set or tape set of your choice. Happy New Year!!! Prophetically, the Word of God to all is to get ready for warfare and get set for the supernatural moves of God. How Jehoshapat won the victory in 2 Chronicles 20 and how David pursued, overtook and recovered all that was lost in 1 Samuel 30. Our series of messages on “Winning our Warfare”, talks about personal warfare as well as other dimensions of it. That message will be handy this year. Some areas for serious consideration this year are; (a) Our motives and focus; (b) our preconceptions and how they affect our perspectives; (c) Our faith is needed for us to participate with God for His purposes to be fulfilled; (d) Our relationships will be tested; (e) Wisdom for the way we spend our time, money and energy. We need to be clear minded and focused as we use what God has given us for His glory. Many messages cover these themes. This year we have plans to reach more nations, and reach out to more people: (a) We have plans to better position ourselves for an outreach to Spanish speaking nations through the expansion of our Spanish website (http://es.fowm.org) and a 24/7 Live online radio broadcast in English and Spanish (Please tune in and listen to our online English Radio Station athttp://www.fowm.org/?D=33). (b) Rev Kola Ewuosho has started a blog on his personal website; seehttp://www.kolaewuosho.com/for new articles yet to be published elsewhere. These online resources are being used to mentor many in the Body of Christ across the nations. We welcome you to partner with us as we touch new nations like Australia, India and have a base in Argentina for our Spanish outreach to the Latin American nations. Join us in prayers and send in your prayer requests as our prayer teams across the nations pray to see god’s power move on your behalf. Welcome to the ever growing Fountain of Wisdom Family worldwide where we pray and support one another as we reach out to more lives for the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Yours In His Service, Rev. Kola and Funke Ewuosho Virginia Water, United Kingdom |