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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: Participating in Gods Purpose for the Nations - THE HEART VERSUS THE HEAD (PART 2)
Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 29th July, 2008. 03:34

The heart is to be seen as an interplay or over lap of the spirit and the soul of humanity. The heart is the core of the person. The inner person who has access to all the faculties in the soul and spirit to formulate the life-code that will govern the entirety of the person. Whatever you yield to will master you. The heart is the decision maker, action initiator and the one that runs the values in the human being. What comes out of your mouth is what is in abundance of your heart. What you pay attention to will pull your desires and the proof of desire is pursuit. That means that what you pursue is really what you desire even if you do not like it. It is still the desire of your heart if you find yourself pursuing it. Desires are in the heart. Now they may not necessarily start in the heart but for the desire to affect your action your heart has gotten involved.

It may be the lust of the eyes or the flesh that started the desire, your heart is the faculty that yielded to the flesh or eyes desire to cause there to be action on your part. A desire that does not become action or get involved with our imagination may quite easily die. Our heart picks vibes from our minds, emotions, imaginations and memories, translates them into actions and we are responsible for what we say and do, positive or negative.

Once we have a good idea of how our hearts function we can then regulate the input into our lives and therefore regulate what motivates us in life.

The head is the mind in action. We rationalize, speculate and theorize here. We embrace all manner of inputs here and analyze them. We compare and contrast. Because spiritual things are foolishness to the mind not affected by the spirit of God, our analysis brings us to conclusions that are not Godly. No matter how good or reasonable our conclusions are, they are still far from the right ones God wants for us. Having lived in this realm of life for so long it becomes impossible to connect with God as this part of us tends to dominate other parts in our humanity if we allow it. Killing Goliath with a stone becomes a joke, splitting the Red Sea into two becomes a figment of ones imagination. People tend to be so far from God.

Their worship, if any, will be devoid of life. God is Spirit and it is with our spirits we contact Him not our heads. Our hearts should be connected to our spirits and from our spirits our heads should be educated to know God better. In the natural world we should allow our heads to inform our hearts but final decisions that pertain to our lives should come from our hearts after due consultation with God's Spirit resident in our spirits.

Rev Kola Ewuosho

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